European Commission


Topics and timeline

Stakeholder consultation is structured according four working groups (see below). The specific topics and meeting schedule of these four Working groups are:

Meeting dates


13 Feb 2020
28 Jan 2021 (combined WG 1/2/3)

WG 1 – “Special topics” (a.o. hydrogen)

lead: René Kemna

1.1 - H2-ready
1.2 - Bio-fuel ready
1.3 - Effect of revised PEF on limits and classes
1.4 - Shared chimney problem (B1, C4 and C8)
1.5 - Cogeneration correction factor for electricity

02 Apr 2020 (webmeeting)
28 Jan 2021 (combined WG 1/2/3)

WG 2 – “Testing”

lead: Rob van Holsteijn

2.1 - Heat pumps testing: 65 ºC, dynamic testing, test conditions
2.2 - Fuel boiler testing: bin-method conditions at 65 ºC, include O-size
2.3 - Verification tolerances
2.4 - Third party conformity assessment
2.5 - Scope extension to 1 MW (testing issues, lab test capacity)
2.6 - New ErP group: Emitters & Controls
2.7 - Label design for heat pumps (LT and HT on single label) (new built =LT, exist = HT)

10 Mar 2020 (webmeeting)
28 Jan 2021 (combined WG 1/2/3)

WG 3 – “Calculation”

lead: Leo Wierda & René Kemna

3.1 - NOx limits for 3rd family gases (or WG4?)
3.2 - Revised integral ecodesign + labelling calculation
3.3 - Updated package label calculation

20 Jan 2020
25 June 2020 (webmeeting)


WG 4 – “Water heaters ”

lead: Martijn van Elburg

4.1 - Technology specific limits (phase out pilot flame)
4.2 - Definitions + scope ecodesign/labelling
4.3 - Storage tank (test standards, etc.)
4.4 - Inclusion of PFHRD
4.5 - Solar device contribution
4.6 - Water heating performance in a single (WH) regulation

The meeting dates may change during the course of the project. Those who have registered through this website will be informed of updates regarding meetings and availability of documents by email.



Following Article 7 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 811/2013, Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 812/2013, Commission Regulation (EU) No 813/2013 and Commission Regulation (EU) No 814/2013 the regulations shall be reviewed 5 years after entry into force.

The review studies (for regulations dealing with space/combination heaters or water heaters and storage tanks) were finalised in July 2019. However, many stakeholders commented on various aspects of the study and concluded that a more in-depth analysis is needed on certain topics identified in the study, such as hydrogen as an alternative fuel for boilers, the measurement and calculation method for heat pumps, etc. Furthermore, there is a need for specific analyses in view of the impact assessment.

The objective of this project is to assist the Commission in carrying out the impact assessment process for reviewing the ecodesign and energy labelling measure for space heater and combination heaters and for water heaters and tanks.


Project structure

The follow-up project starts off with extended and focussed stakeholder consultations on the various topics identified in Task 6 of these review studies, clustered in 4 working groups. The results will be an important input in the Commission’s draft Working Documents for revised/updated measures for these product groups, foreseen to be presented at Consultation Forums in the first quarter of 2021 (as discussed in the WG4 meeting of 25 june 2020).

The working groups (WGs) will each consist of a limited number of stakeholder experts (excluding study team and EC) and will meet several times over the year. The participants of the Working Groups (speaking on personal title) have been selected by industry associations, consumer/green NGO's, Member States representatives and agreed by the European Commission.



The project follows existing rules for performing impact assessments, including open public consultation, as described on the European Commission page:



European Commission